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Rural 3.0


EU grant: 999.138,80€
Duration of the project: 2019-2021

Rural 3.0 is set as a knowledge alliance between different European Higher Education Institutions and rural partners, each with a different history, quite distinct experiences with rural social entrepreneurship and/or rural service-learning, different educational systems, as well as specific community needs regarding the location, politics, and the economy of the different rural communities.

Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (ESE) (Portugal)
University College of Teacher Education Vienna (Austria)
University of Zagreb (FFZG) (Croatia)
Rotterdam School of Management - Erasmus University (The Netherlands)
Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (Germany)
Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain)
Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
University of Bologna (Italy)

AJDeão (Portugal)
LAG*5 (Croatia)
LAG Ammersee (Germany)
Kaunas district LAG (Lithuania)
Galsinma (Spain)
Stichting Schutsluis Alblasserdam (The Netherlands)
Plenum (Austria) LAG
L'Altra Romagna (Italy)
*Local Action Group

Rural 3.0 intends to bring higher education institutions and rural partners together to work on a common issue - development of the necessary knowledge and skills needed to make changes in rural communities. It supports the modernization of Europe's HE through the transnational curriculum based on the innovative service-learning approach to teaching and learning that brings students, academics, and the community, together to jointly develop solutions for challenging issues, as well as product and process innovation. It aims to stimulate social entrepreneurship of HEIs* teaching staff and rural entities through transnational cooperation between HEIs and rural partners. In addition to this, new learning and teaching methods will be jointly developed and implemented. * Higher Education Institutions Service Learning (SL) An educational approach that combines learning objectives with community service in order to provide new educational standards for students by tackling real-life needs in their community. Social Entrepreneurship (SE) Recognizes social problems and use entrepreneurial principles to create and organize innovative ways to make social change.

Service Learning (SL)
An educational approach that combines learning objectives with community service in order to provide new educational standards for students by tackling real-life needs in their community.

Social Entrepreneurship (SE)
Recognizes social problems and use entrepreneurial principles to create and organize innovative ways to make social change.

A Report on the needs and the gaps of the main target groups from the eight participating countries;
A rural SL case study from each of the eight countries;
A final report on the "State-of-the-art of rural SL education” that will help to identify and transfer best practices;
A module with courses on rural SL and rural SE; Training programs and OER* for LAGs and rural SE practitioners as well as a MOOC for HE teachers on rural SL; Digital Collaborative and Learning tools (HUB, Online World Café) and SL Hackathon.
*Open Educational Resources

Rural community organizations (LAGs, rural NGOs, Rural Networks);
Higher Education Institutions (participating and non-participating);
Rural beneficiaries (social enterprises, farmers, unemployed ...);
Higher Education teachers;
Graduate and undergraduate students.

Participating Academic staff: exchange of experiences and joint research.
Participating Students: new learning through rural SL and virtual mobility.
Participating Organizations: reinforce the network between the community and HEIs. Beneficiaries of the Services: opportunity to have the identified needs addressed by the students.
Local and Regional Impact: response to community needs by a variety of stakeholders.
National Impact: improve the relevance and effectiveness of the HE, thereby contributing to the overall development of the community.
European & International Impact: HEIs and rural organisations working together towards a transnational curriculum based on the innovative approach and OER.

RURAL 3.0 impact
Providing university support for addressing the needs of rural beneficiaries
Establishing a shared platform to centralize teaching and learning content
Promoting citizen participation, equity and social justice
Promoting e-learning, digital skills, multilingualism inclusion and open accessibility
Promoting university community partnerships in the rural areas
Strengthening the core skills and the innovative capacity of adult rural social entrepreneurs Creating entrepreneurial opportunities
Developing student’s transversal competences, social entrepreneurship and social commitment impact

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